In 2018, different workers of Rustavi Municipality formed a working group - Rustavi municipality Innovation Hub. This working grouped worked together with United Nations Developement Program (UNDP) to implement innovation method to solve the different challenges that arise in the city.

In 2019 the same working group founded the non-govermental organisation 'Rustavi Innovations Hub' - local innovations platform.

Our organisation works on the following:

  • Interse
  • Developement of the municipal Services
  • Alternative work opportuinities for youth
  • Environmental Challenges
  • Participation innovative methods
  • Bussiness education
  • Modern Technologies


Our mission is to create new methods of youth participation, intersectoral work and implementation and development of effective methods of successful examples from around the world

Our main goals are:

  • Generate municipality developement ideas using public participation
  • Support the developement of innovative services
  • Share the international and local experiences
  • Create projects and activites for citie's innovative developement
  • Develop strategies for local development
  • Find and adapt innovative projects from the globe
  • Support the training of the new skills for public servants
  • Work on revitalisation




E-mail :

Address : Rustavi, Kostavas Gamz. 22